Top 10 Zero Waste Products For Your Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Steps to a zero waste kitchen

Have you heard of the zero-waste movement? Environmentalists, conservationists, influencers, and businesses around the globe are talking about it. So, what is it and how is it possible, especially in this modern, technology-based, fast-moving world?

Well, if we can have airplanes, we believe everything is possible. However, every year, millions of tons of waste get dumped at landfills, out of which 24% pertains to food, 18% pertains to plastic and 12% pertains to paper. And guess what all of these products have in common?

They all can be found in our kitchens! On a daily basis, we are increasing our carbon footprint without even realizing it. So how do we stop? How do we reduce? Well, the best place to start is your kitchen! Yes, you can make a huge impact by shifting to zero-waste products.

10 Recommended Zero Waste Kitchen Products

There are many ways to reduce waste in the kitchen, and one of the best ways is to switch to zero-waste kitchen products. Here is a list of the top 10 zero-waste kitchen products that we believe every household should opt for.

Bamboo Utensils 

Karmicseed Birchwood Forks

Plastic utensils contribute to the environment as much as plastic bags. Tons of plastic waste are disposed of at landfill sites daily. We can avoid that by replacing plastic with bamboo utensils. They are sustainable, easy to carry and last you for years. What better way is there to save both the environment and your money?

Other alternatives include items made from coconut husks, inedible wheat stalks, or quick-growing birch wood. Upcycle Outpost carries a selection of utensils and drinking straws made from low-carbon, eco-friendly choices.

Reusable Food Wraps

Beeswax reusable food wraps
If you still use tin foil to cover your food and dishes, then you are living in the past. Modern-day kitchens have shifted to beeswax food wraps. These wraps are made using organic cotton, plant-based wax, and natural oils.

Not only are they cheaper, but they are also reusable. In addition, they are designed to be adjustable. So, you can mold the wrap in any shape to fit your dish. So, what are you waiting for? Get yours now!

Silicone Bags

Everspring Silicone Bags

You might see people getting plastic containers for food storage, but let us tell you, they are not safe. You need something free of chemicals and plastic is not that product. Instead, go for silicone bags; they are sustainable, reusable, and long-lasting.

Mason Jars & Glass Containers

Ball Mason Jars

Glass containers are the best way to store your extra or leftover food and products. Why opt for plastic when you have glass? It is much more durable, BPA-free, and environment-friendly. Glass jars last you for years, hence reducing your carbon footprint.

The best bet is to hit the wholesale stores and buy groceries in bulk which come in glass containers. If not, you can get mason jars and zero-waste glass containers at your local thrift store. You can also order from Amazon if required.

Cloth Towels 

More paper towels mean more trees getting chopped down. As per a survey, more than 3,000 tons of paper towels are thrown in the trash daily in the United States. Yes, this is only one country; imagine the impact the entire world is having.

So why use them when you can easily replace them with cotton or wool towels? You can get fabric wipes in different sizes, materials, and designs. So get yours now and enjoy environmentally friendly cleaning habits.

Wooden Brush Set

Wooden Brush Set

We refer to wooden brush sets when we talk about zero-waste dish brushes. Replace your plastic brushes and sponges with a complete wooden brush set that will stick with you for months, if not years.

Whether it be fruits and vegetables, pots and pans, or plates and utensils, you can find wooden dish brushes for cleaning, all. And the best part is, you can compost them if they ever fall apart. So say yes to bacteria-free and plastic-free brushes.

Charcoal Water Filter

Most water filters are made using plastic. Now, we understand that we all need access to safe drinking water. But you can do that without endangering the environment by shifting to charcoal water filters. They are 100% safe, reusable, and sustainable for you and the environment.

Sustainable Dish Soap 

Clean Cult Dish Soap

Are your dishes clean? They might seem clean from the exterior, but the real question is, are they free from chemicals? The dish soap you use comes with harsh chemicals to remove stains from your utensils and crockery. When you run your dishwasher, all those chemicals are drained into the environment.

Does that sound safe? It isn’t if you ask us! So, instead of going for branded products, go for local, hand-made zero-waste dish soaps made using safe and natural ingredients. The shift can save hundreds of fish from dying in the ocean.

Tote Bags 

Reusable Tote Bag

Every time you run to the grocery store, you increase your carbon footprint by getting plastic bags. Did you know that a single plastic bag can take up to 500 years to decompose? Yes, that is what? Five to six generations? Are you willing to put them all at risk?

Of course not! Shit to fabric tote bags. Not only are they durable, but they are much trendier these days. You can get them easily from your neighborhood grocery stores. If not, hit a thrift store and find many different sizes, prints, designs, and colors.

Upcycle Outpost carries a selection of tote bags great for reuse, most even made from recycled materials themselves!

Refurbished Appliances 

Lastly, you can make a difference by reducing the tech waste produced by kitchen appliances. Almost all of us have five to ten appliances running at all times. Why get brand-new ones when you can get refurbished appliances that perform similarly?

Whether it be the oven, microwave, toaster, mixer, boiler, or other common appliances, check out manufacturers who sell refurbished kitchen appliances. Not only will you be saving the environment, but also hundreds of dollars.


We live in a modern world where businesses have shifted to sustainable products. We have a long way to go, but we must start somewhere, right? So, turn your kitchen into a zero-waste zone in your home by investing in zero-waste kitchen products.

It might sound intimidating, but trust us when we say it is 100% achievable. Also, you are not alone. We here at Upcycle Outpost are a community. And we believe, together, we can make a difference.

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